Autocue WinCue Pro News User Manual
Page 97

VERSION 1.30B515
QTV 1998
list and the sample box will give you a preview of your selection. Use the Font Size text box
to set the font to an appropriate size. When you are happy with the font setting click on OK.
Presenter settings
Presenter’s settings allow you to customise settings for individual presenters. The font,
colour, style and read rate can be allocated for individual presenters. These settings will be
automatically applied to the script when the presenter is selected.
5.4.3 Adding a New Presenter
To add a presenter name to the script select File, then Properties…. The Simple Script File
Properties dialogue box will be displayed. Click on the Presenters tabs. To add a new
presenter, click on Add. The Presenter Properties dialogue box appears. Enter the
presenter’s name in the Presenter Name text box and click OK. The presenters name will
then be shown in the Currently Defined Presenters dialogue box. Click OK to exit.