Autocue WinCue Pro News User Manual
Page 112

VERSION 1.30B515
QTV 1998
7.4.1 Configuring for Centre Stop Mode
The IMT Scroll Control can be set up for Centre Stop mode. In the Configure Scroll
Controls dialogue box, click on IMT Card Scroll Port. Now click on the Setup button to
configure simple serial hand control. The Configure Scroll Control dialogue box appears.
Ensure the Serial Port set to the same serial port that you simple serial scroll control is
connected too.
Centre Stop Mode is used if the operator does not want to use the forward reverse button to
change the direction of the prompted text. To enable Centre Stop Mode, the Centre Stop
Mode check box should be checked ( ). Next the stop point and stop zone should be set.
The simple serial scroll control sends serial data in the range 0 to 120 to tell WinCueProNews
how fast to prompt the text; 0 is stop and 120 is the fastest scroll rate. This scroll rate is
determined by the position of the scroll control knob. If the Stop Point is set to 60, scroll rates
of less than 60 will prompt the text backwards, scroll rates greater that over 60 will prompt the
text forward, and a scroll rate of exactly 60 will stop the text from scrolling.