Autocue WinCue Pro News User Manual
Page 55

VERSION 1.30B515
QTV 1998
Go to the ENPS terminal that is designated as one that can 'Dump to WinCue'. If the
terminal is capable of dumping an ENPS runorder to WinCue the menu item 'Dump to
WinCue' will be visible on the open runorders 'Rover' button (the top-left green button on
the ENPS Runorder) menu.
First step
If the ENPS Runorder you require is not currently open:
Open the ENPS Runorder that you want to be sent to the prompter by double left-clicking on
the runorders name (e.g. NEWS WEST 1330 28th May) in the current runorder list. The
selected runorder will then be opened and all of its stories will be listed, though only a few
may be immediately visible.
Second step
If the ENPS Runorder you require is currently open:
Left-click on the open runorders 'Rover' button (the top-left green button on the ENPS
Runorder), a drop-down menu will now be displayed.
One of the options on the menu is 'Dump to WinCue'; left-click on this option to select it and
enable the 'Dump', when enabled a tick mark will be placed next to this menu option.
Third step
Within a few seconds of 'Dumping to WinCue' the selected ENPS Runorders title will be
displayed in the WinCue terminals 'Runorder/Queue Browser' (see 'Opening an ENPS
Runorder on WinCue')
Once the 'Dump' has been enabled the ENPS terminal will continually update the WinCue
terminal with any changes to the ENPS Runorder and the stories within it up until someone
disables the 'Dump' or closes the runorder on the ENPS terminal.
You can check whether the 'Dump' has been enabled by left-clicking on the ENPS
Runorders 'Rover' button, a tick mark next to the 'Dump to WinCue' option indicates that
the 'Dump'/link is still enabled.
The 'Dump' can be disabled by selecting the 'Dump to WinCue' option again.