Autocue WinCue Pro News User Manual
Page 111

VERSION 1.30B515
QTV 1998
IMT Scroll Control
The I.M.T. scroll control is supplied with WinCueProNews and is connected to the I.M.T. card.
This scroll control does not require any kind of configuration.
Click on I.M.T. Card Scroll Port, then click on OK. You can how use the I.M.T. scroll control
to prompt your scripts.
The simple serial scroll control is connected to a free serial communication port. In Standard
Configuration the simple serial scroll control allows you to scroll the prompted text up and
down the screen and jump between markers.
To scroll the text, turn the knob at the end of the scroll control clockwise to speed up and
anti clockwise to slow down.
To change the direction of the prompted text press the black button
To jump to the next marker press the