Rockwell Automation Liqui-Flo DBT Reach Drive User Manual
Page 122

DBT Reach Drive User Manual
23, 24 = MOP Increment, MOP Decrement: The MOP is a reference setpoint (called
the MOP Value) that can be incremented and decremented by external devices.
These inputs are used to increment and decrement the Motor Operated Potentiometer
(MOP) value inside the drive. The MOP value will be retained through a power cycle.
While the MOP Increment input is closed, the MOP value will increase at rate
contained in MOP Rate. Units for rate are Hz per second.
While the MOP Decrement input is closed, MOP value will decrease at rate contained
in MOP Rate. Units for rate are Hz per second.
If both the MOP Increment and MOP Decrement inputs are closed, the MOP value will
stay the same.
In order for the drive to use the MOP value as the current speed reference, either
Speed Ref A Sel must be set to MOP.
25 = HIM Control: This input provides a mean to override the logic control source
selection and can be used to override control from any port, including the All Ports
An open-to-closed transition of this input sets the control source to the local HIM. If no
local HIM is present, the control source is set to the remote HIM. If no HIM is present
at all, the drive stops.
When control is set to the HIM, the HIM is granted manual reference (the Man Ref
Preload (193) configuration is enforced). Subsequent Auto/Manual commands will
toggle the HIM in and out of manual mode. The drive’s active or stopped state is not
affected unless no HIM is present.
On a closed-to-open transition, manual control is released if active, and the selected
auto reference is used. The logic source select override is removed. The
edge/level-sense start configuration is imposed (LevelSense Start).
26 = PI Enable: If this input function is closed, the operation of the Process PI loop will
be enabled.
If this input function is open, the operation of the Process PI loop will be disabled. See
PI Control (125), bit 0.
27 = PI Hold: If this input function is closed, the integrator for the Process PI loop will
be held at the current value; that is, it will not increase.
If this input function is open, the integrator for the Process PI loop will be allowed to
28 = PI Reset: If this input function is closed, the integrator for the Process PI loop will
be reset to 0.
If this input function is open, the integrator for the Process PI loop will integrate
29 = Pwr Loss Lvl: When the DC bus level in the drive falls below a certain level, a
“powerloss” condition is created in the drive logic. This input allows the user to select
between two different “power loss” detection levels dynamically. If the physical input is
closed, then the drive will take its power loss level from a parameter. If the physical
input is open (de-energized), then the drive will use a power loss level designated by
internal drive memory, typically 82% of nominal. If the input function is not configured,
then the drive always uses the internal power loss level.
30 = Precharge En: This input function is used to manage disconnection from a
common DC bus.