Rockwell Automation 1783-Mxxx Stratix 8000 and 8300 Ethernet Managed Switches User Manual User Manual

Page 145

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Rockwell Automation Publication 1783-UM003I-EN-P - March 2014


Manage the Switch via the Studio 5000 Environment Chapter 5

Other Status Data

Switch Internal Temperature: degrees Centigrade
Power Supply A present: yes, no
Power Supply B present: yes, no
Identity Info: VendorID, DeviceType, ProductCode, ProductName,

Revision, SerialNumber

IOS Release version
Switch Uptime (since last restart)
Management CPU Utilization: in %
CIP Connection Counters: open/close requests, open/close rejects,


Port Alarm Status per port: OK, not forwarding, not operating,

excessive FCS errors

Port Fault Status per port: Error Disable, SFP error, native VLAN

mismatch, MAC address flap condition, security violation

Port Diagnostic Counters per port: Ethernet Interface counters (10),

Ethernet Media counters (12)

Configuration Data (requires password)

IP Address Method: DHCP, static
IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway (all if static)
Host Name
Contact name
Geographic Location
Port Config per port: enable/disable, autonegotiate, forced speed/


Authorized MACID per port
Unicast Storm Control Threshold per port: in packets per second, bits

per sec, or %

Multicast Storm Control Threshold: in packets per second, bits per sec,

or %

Broadcast Storm Control Threshold: in packets per second, bits per sec,

or %

Smart Port assignment per port: Role and VLAN

Save and Restore of Switch Configuration (via File Obj)