Rockwell Automation 1771-QA Stepper Positioning Assembly User Manual User Manual

Page 90

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Example Programs

Publication 1771-UM002A–EN–P – May 2000

Rungs 6 and 7
These rungs start and stop a jog forward move. When bit 112/00 is
true, bit 310/15 (moveset control word, jog forward bit) is true and a
jog forward is initiated. When bit 112/01 is false, the jog forward bit
(bit 500/15) will be unlatched and jog motion will cease.

Rungs 8 and 9
These rungs start and stop a jog reverse move. When bit 112/01 is
true, bit 310/14 (moveset control word, jog reverse bit) is true and a
jog reverse is initiated. When bit 112/01 is false, the jog reverse bit
(bit 500/14) will be unlatched and jog motion will cease.

Rung 10
This rung allows a jog rate of 10Hz to be selected. When bit 112/02
is false, bit 316/04 is true (word 316 contains rate data) and a rate of
10Hz is selected.

Rung 11
This rung allows a jog rate of 1000Hz to be selected. When bit
112/02 is true, bit 316/14 is true and a jog rate of 1000Hz is selected.

Rung 12
This rung contains the file-to-file move instruction which stores the
preset and jog data. The preset data is stored in word 313 and jog
data in words 314-321. File A (containing preset and jog data) will
be transferred to the stepper controller module each time a
false-to-true transition occurs. Note that file R (500-511) is the first
10 words of the write block transfer file in rung 16. Each time a jog
forward (112/00), jog reverse (112/01) or initialization preset
(110/16) is requested, the contents of file A will be sent to the
stepper controller module. Note that the preset data sent with every
jog forward or jog reverse has no effect, since bit 502/17 is false
(rung 5).

Rung 13
This rung contains the file-to-file move instruction which stores the
positioning profile. This particular profile consists of 10 moves
requiring a 64-word file (400-477). When bit 110/14 is true the
positioning profile (400-477) will be moved to file R (500-577) and
transferred to the stepper controller module.