Example 2 (continued) – Rockwell Automation 1770,D17706.5.21 SMART TRANSMITTER TOOLKI User Manual
Page 31

Chapter 3
Using The Smart Tranmsitter Toolkit
Example 2 (continued)
Rung 2:5
This rung is identical to 2:4 except it uses device 2.
| Device 2 Device 2 |
| Doing |Device 2 Hart Process |
| Device 2 |STT Done Command # Variable |
| B3 N12:30 +EQU–––––––––––––––+ +MOV–––––––––––––––+ |
+––––] [––––––––] [–––––––––––––––++EQUAL +––+MOVE ++–+
| 2 2 ||Source A N12:5| |Source F13:10|| |
| || 1| | –0.0260029|| |
| ||Source B 1| |Dest F15:2|| |
| || | | –0.0260029|| |
| |+––––––––––––––––––+ +––––––––––––––––––+| |
| | Device 2 Device 2 | |
| | Hart Hart | |
| | Command # Address | |
| |+EQU–––––––––––––––+ +COP–––––––––––––––+ | |
| ++EQUAL +++COPY FILE +++ |
| ||Source A N12:5|||Source #N12:40||| |
| || 1|||Dest #N12:6||| |
| ||Source B 0|||Length 3||| |
| || ||+––––––––––––––––––+|| |
| |+––––––––––––––––––+| Device 2 || |
| | | Hart || |
| | | Command # || |
| | |+MOV–––––––––––––––+|| |
| | ++MOVE ++| |
| | |Source 1| | |
| | | | | |
| | |Dest N12:5| | |
| | | 1| | |
| | +––––––––––––––––––+ | |
| | Device 2 Device 2 | |
| | Not Hart | |
| | Responding Command # | |
| |+EQU–––––––––––––––+ +MOV–––––––––––––––+| |
| ++EQUAL +––+MOVE ++ |
| ||Source A N12:33| |Source 0|| |
| || 0| | || |
| ||Source B 33| |Dest N12:5|| |
| || | | 1|| |
| |+––––––––––––––––––+ +––––––––––––––––––+| |
| | Doing | |
| | Device 2 | |
| | B3 | |
| +–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(U)––––+ |
| | 2 | |
| | Doing | |
| | Device 1 | |
| | B3 | |
| +–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(L)––––+ |
| 1 |
Rung 2:6
| |
+––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––[END OF FILE]–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––+
| |