Example 2 (continued) – Rockwell Automation 1770,D17706.5.21 SMART TRANSMITTER TOOLKI User Manual

Page 30

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Chapter 3

Using The Smart Transmitter Toolkit


Example 2 (continued)

Rung 2:4

Only process when the STT subroutine is done. If the Hart command is 1, copy

the primary variable to file F15. If the Hart command is 0, copy the Hart

address to the input area and request Hart command 1. If device 1 does not

respond (error 33), try getting a new Hart address for device 1 by requesting

Hart command 0. Make device 2 the current device.

| Device 1 Device 1 |

| Doing |Device 1 Hart Process |

| Device 1 |STT Done Command # Variable |

| B3 N10:30 +EQU–––––––––––––––+ +MOV–––––––––––––––+ |

+––––] [––––––––] [–––––––––––––––++EQUAL +––+MOVE ++–+

| 1 2 ||Source A N10:5| |Source F11:10|| |

| || 1| | 0.5372856|| |

| ||Source B 1| |Dest F15:1|| |

| || | | 0.5372856|| |

| |+––––––––––––––––––+ +––––––––––––––––––+| |

| | Device 1 Device 1 | |

| | Hart Hart | |

| | Command # Address | |

| |+EQU–––––––––––––––+ +COP–––––––––––––––+ | |

| ++EQUAL +++COPY FILE +++ |

| ||Source A N10:5|||Source #N10:40||| |

| || 1|||Dest #N10:6||| |

| ||Source B 0|||Length 3||| |

| || ||+––––––––––––––––––+|| |

| |+––––––––––––––––––+| Device 1 || |

| | | Hart || |

| | | Command # || |

| | |+MOV–––––––––––––––+|| |

| | ++MOVE ++| |

| | |Source 1| | |

| | | | | |

| | |Dest N10:5| | |

| | | 1| | |

| | +––––––––––––––––––+ | |

| | Device 1 Device 1 | |

| | Not Hart | |

| | Responding Command # | |

| |+EQU–––––––––––––––+ +MOV–––––––––––––––+| |

| ++EQUAL +––+MOVE ++ |

| ||Source A N10:33| |Source 0|| |

| || 0| | || |

| ||Source B 33| |Dest N10:5|| |

| || | | 1|| |

| |+––––––––––––––––––+ +––––––––––––––––––+| |

| | Doing | |

| | Device 1 | |

| | B3 | |

| +–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(U)––––+ |

| | 1 | |

| | Doing | |

| | Device 2 | |

| | B3 | |

| +–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(L)––––+ |

| | 2 | |

| | Device 2 | |

| | 2 | |

| +––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(JMP)–––+ |