Waters nanoACQUITY UPLC Columns User Manual
Care and use manual, Waters nanoacquity columns

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
nanoACQUITY UPLC Column Care and Use
I. PreParIng eluents
II. PreParIng samPle
III. PreParIng and ConneCtIng 75, 100
and 150 µm nanoaCQuItY Columns
IV. PreParIng and ConneCtIng 300 µm nanoaCQuItY
CaPIllarY Columns
V. Care when stoPPIng flow to Column
VI. how to dIagnose and address abnormallY
hIgh baCkPressure and leaks
VII. CheCkIng and CleanIng a fouled emItter
VIII. long term, nanoaCQuItY Column storage
IX. orderIng InformatIon
Note: Gloves should be worn for ALL operations
detailed in this document
waters nanoaCQuItY Columns
(for use wIth 10,000 P.s.I sYstems)
I. IntroduCtIon
Waters nanoACQUITY
columns are manufactured to exacting
specifications, providing outstanding peak symmetry for maximum
sensitivity and accurate quantitation. As the columns are frit-
ted at both ends, they are able to withstand pressure changes
during injection and thus provide superior longevity. In order to
achieve maximum performance, it is important to ensure that proper
connections are made to minimize peak tailing and poor efficiency.
Each nanoACQUITY column is individually tested to ensure that
it passes stringent quality control. Compared to standard flow
chromatography, successful day-to-day performance of nanoflow
systems can require extra attention to detail. This document
provides several essential recommendations for the successful use of
nanoACQUITY columns.
nanoACQUITY System
Example of a nanoACQUITY column. Available in 75, 100, and 150 µm