Waters Carbamate Analysis Column User Manual
Care and use manual, Carbamate analysis column

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
Carbamate Analysis Column
I. IntroduCtIon
II. InstallatIon
a. Attaching the Column
b. Equilibration
III. MobIle phase and saMple guIdelIne
a. Solvent Preparation and Filtration
b. Sample Preparation and Filtration
IV. operatIon
a. Chromatography Guidelines
b. Efficiency Testing
V. Care and MaIntenanCe
a. Troubleshooting
b. Shutdown and Storage
VI. ColuMn and supplIes orderIng and InforMatIon
VII. Warranty/serVICe InforMatIon
CarbaMate analysIs ColuMn
I. IntroduCtIon
The Waters Carbamate Analysis Column (3.9 x 150 mm) is packed
with a durable, high efficiency, 4μ spherical silica-based stationary
phase ideally suited for the reversed-phase separation of carbamate
pesticides and related compounds.
Waters exclusive sequential bonding and packing processes coupled
with stringent quality control procedures ensure precise surface
chemistry, reproducibility, and stability. When used as a component
of Waters Carbamate Analysis System with the Waters Carbamate
Analysis Method, this column is guaranteed to provide the resolution
and sensitivity needed for successful analysis of the analytes listed
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: A Typical Separation of Carbamate Pesticides & Related
Compounds using Waters Carbamate Analysis System*
Please take a few moments to read this manual carefully. Use the
information it contains to ensure that you obtain quality results and
take full advantage of the features your Waters column offers.
Note: Liquid chromatography columns have a finite life, which is
directly related to the care and use they receive. Column life is
affected by contamination from samples and solvents, frequent
solvent changeovers, and improper handling and storage.
* For additional information on the complete method, please refer to Waters Carbamate
Analysis System Manual.