Waters Ultrahydrogel Columns User Manual
Care and use manual, Ultrahydrogel columns

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
Ultrahydrogel Columns
I. IntroduCtIon
II. operatIng tIps
III. Column effICIenCy
Iv. Column storage
v. warranty
vI. orderIng InformatIon
ultrahydrogel Columns
I. IntroduCtIon
The Waters Ultrahydrogel™ column you have purchased is a sophisti-
cated aqueous-compatible gel column for analytical and preparative
separations of water-soluble polymers. The gel is a cross-linked
hydroxylated polymer and contains some residual carboxyl function-
ality. Ultrahydrogel DP contains some residual amine functionality.
Compounds normally characterized include oligomers and biological
substances such as polysaccharides, nucleic acids, proteins, and
This Ultrahydrogel column provides:
• High resolution
• Low adsorption
• A wide range of molecular weight separations
• Stability in a pH range of 2 to 12
• A temperature range of 10 °C to 80 °C
Please take a few moments to read this manual carefully. Use the
procedures it contains to ensure that you obtain quality results and
take full advantage of the features your Waters column offers.
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- AccQ-Tag Ultra C18 Column (3 pages)
- Reverse Peptide Kit (4 pages)
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- Oasis HLB Cartridges and 96-Well Plates (6 pages)
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- CORTECS 2.7 um Columns (8 pages)
- MassPREP Online Desalting Cartridge (5 pages)
- MassPREP Micro Desalting Column (3 pages)
- AccQ-Tag Ultra Derivatization Kit (3 pages)
- Quantitative Peptide Retention Standard (3 pages)
- MassPREP Peptide Mix Standard (2 pages)
- Intact mAb Mass Check Standard (3 pages)
- HILIC QC Reference Material (3 pages)
- SILAC Hi3 Standards (4 pages)
- MetID Small Molecule Standard Mix (3 pages)
- Beverage Analysis Kit (3 pages)
- iKey (11 pages)
- Forensic Toxicology Installation Standards Kit (3 pages)
- XBridge BEH Glycan, 2.5 μm XP and 3.5 μm Columns and Standards (6 pages)
- nanoACQUITY UPLC 2G Trap Columns (3 pages)
- Biopharmaceutical Training Kit (5 pages)
- Protein-Pak Hi Res IEX Columns (9 pages)
- LCMS Quality Control Reference Materials (3 pages)
- Dye QCRM Kit (8 pages)
- GlycoWorks High-throughput Sample Preparation Kit (6 pages)
- GlycoWorks Single Use Sample Preparation Kit (6 pages)
- 30 mm ID Preparative Guard Cartridges and Guard Holders (5 pages)
- ACQUITY APC Columns (7 pages)
- Soft Drink Analysis Kit (3 pages)
- Certified Containers (3 pages)
- CORTECS 1.6 um Columns (9 pages)
- Extraction Manifold (6 pages)
- Protein-Pak SEC Columns (6 pages)
- Neutrals Quality Control Reference Materials (18 pages)
- Preparative Chromatography Mix Standard (7 pages)
- Dextran Calibration Ladder Standard (3 pages)
- Oligonucleotide Separation Technology XBridge OST C18 Columns (7 pages)
- Oligonucleotide Separation Technology XBridge OST C18 Columns (8 pages)
- AccellPlus QMA and CM Bulk Media (5 pages)