Care and use manual – Waters AccQ-Fluor Reagent Kit User Manual

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[ Care and Use ManUal ]

AccQ•Fluor Reagent Kit


II. Waters accQ•tag Method overvIeW

The AccQ•Tag Method is a precolumn derivatization and analysis
technique for peptide and protein hydrolysate amino acids. To
perform the AccQ-Tag Method:

1. Use Waters AccQ•Fluor Reagent (US Patent 5,296,599

and European Patent EP 0 533 200 B1) to derivatize the
amino acids.

2. Separate the derivatives by reversed-phase HPLC.

3. Quantitate the derivatives by fluorescence detection.

III. reagent PurIty

The Waters AccQ•Fluor Reagent Kit is manufactured in Waters’- ISO
9001-2006 certified facilities under strict guidelines to ensure the
lowest possible amino acid background. To retain this level of purity,
handle all reagents carefully.

IV. storage

If unopened, the AccQ•Fluor Reagent Kit may be stored at room
temperature for up to one year.

v. reconstItutIng accQ•Fluor reagent

To reconstitute the AccQ•Fluor Reagent (Figure 2):

1. Preheat a heating block to 55 °C.

2. Tap Vial 2A lightly before opening to ensure all AccQ•Fluor

Reagent Powder is at the bottom of the vial.

3. Rinse a clean micropipette by drawing and discarding 1 ml of

AccQ•Fluor Reagent Diluent from Vial 2B.

WARNING: Acetonitrile is flammable and toxic. Refer to the Material
Safety Data Sheet.

4. Transfer 1.0 ml of AccQ•Fluor Reagent Diluent From Vial 2B to

the AccQ•Fluor Reagent Powder In Vial 2A.

5. Cap Vial 2A lightly and vortex for 10 seconds.

6. Heat Vial 2A on top of heating block, vortex occasionally, until

the powder dissolves. Do not heat longer than 10 minutes.
Reconstituted AccQ•Fluor Reagent is approximately 10 mM
AQC in acetontrile.

Note: You can store the reconstituted AccQ•Tag reagent in a desiccator
at room temperature for up to one week. The AccQ•Tag reagent reacts
with atmospheric moisture so seal the container tightly when not in
use and DO NOT refrigerate.

Reconstituted AccQ•Fluor Reagent is approximately 10 mM AQC in

Figure 2: Reconstituting AccQ•fluor Reagent


Store reconstituted AccQ•Fluor Reagent at room temperature in a
desiccator for up to one week.

Note: AccQ•Fluor reagent reacts with atmospheric moisture. Seal the
container tightly when not in use.