Waters AccQ-Fluor Reagent Kit User Manual

Care and use manual, Accq•fluor reagent kit

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[ Care and Use ManUal ]

AccQ•Fluor Reagent Kit



I. IntroduCtIon

II. Waters accQ•tag Method overvIeW

III. reagent PurIty

Iv. storage

v. reconstItutIng accQ•Fluor reagent

vI. usIng Waters accQ•Fluor reagent

vII. derIvatIzIng the calIbratIon standard

vIII. reconstItutIng the hydrolyzed saMPle

IX. derIvatIzIng the saMPle

X. storIng derIvatIves

XI. sPecIFIcatIons

XII. technIcal lIterature

XIII. orderIng InForMatIon

ACCQ•Fluor reagent kIt

I. IntroduCtIon

The Waters AccQ•Fluor™ Reagent Kit contains five sets of the deriva-
tizing reagents used to perform the AccQ•Tag™ Amino Acid Analysis
Method. A set consists of one vial each of:

– AccQ•Fluor Borate Buffer - Vial 1. You add the buffer to the sam-
ples to generate the proper pH environment for the derivatizatlon.

– AccQ•Fluor Reagent Powder - Vial 2A. The reagent powder Is the
6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyI carbamate (AQC) derivatiz-
ing reagent. It Is shipped dry for maximum stability.

– AccQ•Fluor Reagent Diluent - Vial 2B. Use the diluent(acetonitrile)
to reconstitute the reagent for derivatization.

The Waters AccQ•Fluor Reagent Kit (Figure 1) contains sufficient
reagent for up to 250 analyses.

Figure 1: AccQ•Fluor Reagent Kit