Waters MassPREP E. coli Digestion Standard User Manual
Care and use manual, Massprep e. coli digestion standard

E. Coli Digestion Standard
[ Care and Use ManUal ]
I. IntroduCtIon
II. VIal Contents
III. storage and stabIlIty
IV. reConstItutIon of MPds e. ColI for analysIs wIth the
waters ProteIn exPressIon systeM usIng nanosCale
(75 �m scale) hPlC
V. reConstItutIon of MPds e. ColI for analysIs wIth the
waters ProteIn exPressIon systeM usIng MICrosCale
(300 �m scale) hPlC
VI. safety and Msds InforMatIon
VII. MassPreP dIgestIon standard orderIng InforMatIon
MassPreP e. ColI dIgestIon standard
I. IntroduCtIon
The MassPREP
E.coli digestion standard (MPDS E.coli) is intended
to provide a complex biological matrix for producing samples used
to train new users of the Waters Protein Expression System. MPDS
E. coli was prepared by digesting a purified E. coli cytosolic protein
fraction with sequencing grade trypsin. The MPDS mixture is purified,
and does not contain undigested protein, trypsin, or very hydrophilic
components such as salts.
II. VIal Contents
Each vial contains 100 µg of lyophilized E. coli cytosolic protein
III. storage and stabIlIty
The lyophilized powder is stable at room temperature until the
expiration date printed on the label, or one year from purchase. Once
reconstituted in 0.1% formic acid, the solution is stable for one week
when stored at 4 °C. Stability can be extended by freezing samples at
-20 °C.
Note: The contamination of sample with endo- or exopeptidases may
cause rapid sample degradation.
IV. reConstItutIon of MPds e. ColI for analysIs wIth the
waters ProteIn exPressIon systeM usIng nanosCale (75
�m scale) hPlC
One vial of MPDS E. coli is required to execute the Waters Protein
Expression System training module. MPDS E. coli is prepared by resus-
pension of the lyophilized powder in 250 µL of 0.1% formic acid. Mix
capped vial by vortexing to insure all material is resuspended. Refer to
the Waters Protein Expression System Operator’s Guide for details on
the use of the MPDS E. coli mixture for system training purposes.