Waters High Performance Carbohydrate Column User Manual
Care and use manual, High performance carbohydrate column

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
High Performance Carbohydrate Column
I. IntroduCtIon
II. InstallatIon and equIlIbratIon
III. sample preparatIon
IV. operatIon
V. Care and maIntenanCe
VI. orderIng InformatIon
HIgH performanCe CarboHydrate Column
I. IntroduCtIon
High Performance Carbohydrate Column (P/N WAT044355)
is an application-specific column for separation of monosaccharides
and disaccharides with short analysis times. The columns are tested
in the Waters Quality Control Laboratory to ensure separation of
fructose from dextrose and maltose from lactose in less than twelve
minutes. This separation is representative of the applications for this
The column contains 4 μm Nova-Pak
spherical silica bonded with
trifunctional amino propylsilane. The 4.6 mm x 250 mm steel car-
tridge columns are optimum for the carbohydrate separation. Guard-
Pak™ inserts with the same packing material are also available for
use with these columns. A Sentry Universal Guard Holder is required
for the Guard-Pak inserts. See Section VI for Ordering Information.
II. InstallatIon and equIlIbratIon
Before installing the column make sure the detector (refractive index
detector) is equilibrated with the mobile phase being used.
Follow the procedure in the Waters Steel Cartridge Column Care &
Use Instructions for installing the column on the HPLC system. An
End Connector Kit (P/N WAT037525) is required for installing the
steel cartridge on the HPLC system.
The columns are shipped in a mixture of acetonitrile and water
(75/25 by volume). Equilibrate the column with the desired mobile
phase until a steady baseline is obtained on the detector.