Waters Porapak Gas Chromatography Column Packing Materials User Manual
Care and use manual

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
Waters PoraPak Gas Chromatography Column Packing Materials
I. IntroduCtIon
III. PreCAutIons In use
IV. InstruMent resPonse
V. orderInG InForMAtIon
I. Int roduCtIon
Waters Porapak™ material has a number of significant advantages
over commonly used packing materials for gas chromatography.
Porapak packings have partition properties of a highly extended
liquid surface without the problems of support, polarity, liquid-
phase volatility, or freezing point, which normally restricts gas/
liquid chromatography. Sharp, symmetrical peaks and low retention
volumes are found for water, alcohols, and glycols.
In addition to the above properties, all Porapak packings feature:
No bleed from the packing material
No adsorption of polar compounds
Stability at high temperatures
No change in retention time
Easy column packing with high efficiency
Rapid overload recovery
Eight different types of Porapak packings are available, identified in
order of increasing polarity as types P, PS, Q, QS, R, S, N, and T. All of
these packings are porous polymer beads modified to give different
retention characteristics. By incorporating polar monomers into
the basic polymer, the elution time of water is increased relative to
hydrocarbons. The position of the water peak in a chromatogram can
be adjusted so that there is no interference from other components by
proper choice of Porapak packing type. Water is progressively moved
from an elution position just after ethane for the Porapak Q packing
to elution with the butenes on the Porapak T packing.