Care and use manual – Waters XSelect HSS HPLC Columns User Manual

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[ Care and Use ManUal ]

XSelect HSS HPLC Columns


Figure 4: Waters Ferrule in a Parker Style Endfitting

There are two ways to fix the problem:

1. Tighten the screw a bit more. The ferrule moves forward, and

reaches the sealing surface. Do not overtighten since this may
break the screw.

2. Cut the tubing, replace the ferrule and make a new connection.

Alternatively, replace the conventional compression screw fitting
with an all-in-one PEEK

fitting (Waters Part Number PSL613315)

that allows resetting of the ferrule depth. Another approach is to use a


connector to ensure the correct fit. The fingertight SLIPFREE

connectors automatically adjust to fit all compression screw type
fittings without the use of tools (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Single and Double SLIPFREE Connectors

Table 1. Waters Part Numbers for SLIPFREE Connectors

and Tubing

Tubing Length




Single 6 cm

PSL 618000

PSL 618006

PSL 618012

Single 10 cm

PSL 618002

PSL 618008

PSL 618014

Single 20 cm

PSL 618004

PSL 618010

PSL 618016

Double 6 cm

PSL 618001

PSL 618007

PSL 618013

Double 10 cm

PSL 618003

PSL 618009

PSL 618015

Double 20 cm

PSL 618005

PSL 618001

PSL 618017

c. Band Spreading Minimization

Internal tubing diameter influences system band spreading and peak
shape. Larger tubing diameters cause excessive peak broadening and
lower sensitivity (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Effect of Connecting Tubing on System

Diluted/Distorted Sample Band

0.005 inches

0.020 inches

0.040 inches

d. Measuring System Band Spread Volume

This test should be performed on an HPLC system with a single wavelength
UV detector (not a Photodiode Array (PDA)).

1. Disconnect column from system and replace with a zero dead

volume union.

2. Set flow rate to 1 mL/min.

3. Dilute a test mix in mobile phase to give a detector sensitivity

0.5-1.0 AUFS (system start up test mix can be used which
contains uracil, ethyl and propyl parabens; Waters Part Number

4. Inject 2 to 5 μL of this solution.

5. Using 5-Sigma Method measure the peak width at 4.4% of peak height:

Band Spreading (μL) = Peak Width (min) x Flow Rate (μL/min)
= 0.1 min x 1000 μL/min
= 100 μL

Figure 7: Determination of System Band Spread Volume Using
5-Sigma Method