Care and use manual – Waters MassPREP Online Desalting Cartridge User Manual
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©2014 Waters Corporation. Produced in the U.S.A. June 2014 715001026EN Rev C. KP-PDF
1. The amount of intact protein to load onto a MassPREP On-line Desalting Cartridge to obtain
acceptable mass analysis results depends upon a number of variables. These include the
type of mass analyzer used, the ionization efficiency of analyzed protein and MS source, the
potential ionization suppression effect of ion-pairing reagents used in the separation eluent
(e.g., TFA), etc. In general, between 1 and 5 µg of injected protein such as BSA or an IgG
monoclonal antibody should yield good mass detector signal and excellent protein recovery
from the MassPREP On-line Desalting Cartridge. Proportionately less material should be
injected when analyzing smaller molecular weight proteins to prevent overloading the On-line
Desalting Cartridge and or mass detector.
2. The maximum recommended operating pressure for MassPREP On-Line Desalting Cartridge,
when configured WITHOUT pre-column tubing, is approximately 150 psi. Use of pressure
generating tubing immediately before the MassPREP On-Line Desalting Cartridge is required
to generate sufficient UPLC System back pressure for proper functioning. Thus, the total
reported UPLC System backpressure generated when BOTH the pre-column tubing and
MassPREP On-Line Desalting Cartridge are configured for an application is approximately
5700 psi at a flow of 0.5 mL/min with a 5% ACN/0.1% FA eluent.
3. Results obtained with Waters MassPREP On-line Desalting Cartridges can vary depending
upon the physical characteristics of the analyzed proteins as well as on the performance
characteristics of the HPLC (or LC/MS System), injector, and injector wash protocol used.
Recommended Storage:
For overnight storage, continuously flush the cartridge with the mobile phase at slow flow (e.g.,
0.1 – 0.2 mL/min). If the cartridge is not to be used for several days, store the cartridge in 50%
acetonitrile (CH
CN) without any eluent additives such as formic acid or TFA. Do not store the
MassPREP On-line Desalting Cartridges in buffered eluents. Completely seal the stored column to
avoid evaporation and drying of the bed.