Appendix – NTi Audio XL2 Sound Level Meter User Manual
Page 236
LAeq60’ +k1
Moving Time-Average Sound Level with Correction Value k1
The actual measurement position often differs to the loudest posi-
tion of the live event. Thus the correction value k1 is the correction
value of LAeq60’M between the loudest position and the actual
measurement position, measured using pink noise. The correc-
tion value k1 is measured or manually set in the page K
of the
sound level meter function.
Application: Measurements in accordance with SLV
Actual Sound Pressure Level
SPL with A frequency weighting and F time weighting, compen-
sating for human hearing perception at lower sound pressure lev-
els; applicable at levels lower than 100 dB.
Maximum Sound Pressure Level
Measures the maximum environmental noise level during the
measurement period.
LAFmax dt
Maximum Sound Pressure Level
“delta t” in report
Maximum level of the preset logging interval in the LOG-menu,
e.g. 1 second.
Minimum Sound Pressure Level
Measures the minimum environmental noise level during the
measurement period.