Stipa – NTi Audio XL2 Sound Level Meter User Manual

Page 128

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STIPA Measurement

Select the STIPA result page


Perform the default STIPA measurement.

The XL2 displays the corrected STIPA result in big letters.

The actual measured STIPA result is listed below in small

STIPA Post-Processing

In case no ambient noise correction has been carried out on-
site with the XL2 Analyzer, then you may post process your
measurement data on the PC. The NTi Audio STIPA Reporting
Tool combines the STIPA measurement taken at quiet condi-
tions and the actual ambient noise caused by the public, e.g.
during day-time. This emulates the expected STIPA value at
real-life conditions.

STIPA Reporting Tool

The STIPA Reporting Tool creates measurement reports ac-
cording to the IEC 60268-16 and VDE0833 standards. Import
the data directly from your XL2 including the ambient noise
measurements. The corresponding speech intelligibility STI or
CIS values are shown.

The STIPA Reporting Tool is free to download on the XL2 Sup-
port website for all registered users.
(Enable all macros when opening the document.)

System Requirements:

PC running Windows XP or Windows 7

Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 (32 bit or 64 bit versions)