11 the alarm information block – Lenze ApplicationTemplate PackML (PLC Designer R3-x) User Manual
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Architecture: The ApplicationTemplate PackML in detail
The alarm information block
Lenze · ApplicationTemplate PackML · 1.0 EN - 05/2014
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How to start the global alarm list:
1. Call the
A20_Visualisation folder,
2. Click the Alarm List button to display the global error list.
• In the Alarm List area, the alarms defined as "subject to acknowledgement" that are still
pending/to be acknowledged are visible.
The alarm information block
This block can be used to receive an alarm group information for the own machine module and all
lower-level slave modules.
An Alarm information instance is predefined in the GetAlarmInformation method in each mode FB
for the machine module that can be used without any further programming.
Export overview of the alarms of all machine modules: CSV file
The ApplicationTemplate PackML provides the possibility to create a list of all errors/error
definitions in one *.CSV file.
• The CSV-based text file contains the error definitions of all machine modules integrated in the
machine module tree (MMT).
Default assignment of the inputs:
• xEnable:=TRUE
• xIncludeOwnModule:=TRUE