10 central management of alarms – Lenze ApplicationTemplate PackML (PLC Designer R3-x) User Manual

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Lenze · ApplicationTemplate PackML · 1.0 EN - 05/2014


Architecture: The ApplicationTemplate PackML in detail

Central management of alarms

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In order to couple the Modul_1 slave module to the master again, first the reason for the alarm has

to be removed.

• By means of a procedure, both state machines of master and slave module have to be


• The deactivated slave module has to be coupled again to the state machine of the master

module using the Command_DisableModule method.

Renewed coupling of machine


( 72)


Central management of alarms

The alarm handling transmits all alarms that occur in the machine modules to the global Alarm List.

• The state machine of the Modul_1 slave

module is decoupled automatically from the

master module. "Module Disabled" is

highlighted in red.

• The state machine changes to the

"ABORTING" state.

• The Machine Control master module remains

unchanged in the "EXECUTE" state.

• The machine modules forward the

messages to the Alarm List Handler.

• All current alarms are visible in the

global Alarm List.