2 renewed coupling of machine modules, 5 influencing state transitions, Renewed coupling of machine modules – Lenze ApplicationTemplate PackML (PLC Designer R3-x) User Manual
Page 72: Influencing state transitions

Architecture: The ApplicationTemplate PackML in detail
Influencing state transitions
Lenze · ApplicationTemplate PackML · 1.0 EN - 05/2014
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• The standard behaviour also includes the forwarding of all alarm reactions of the slave modules
to the master.
The standard behaviour of the MMT can be changed by decoupling single modules or by
deactivating single machine modules via:
[9-26] Deactivating/decoupling a module, "MM_Address" refers to the address of the module, here the own module.
The Command_DisableModule method: Decoupling modules
The Command_DisableModule method enables the slave module to be decoupled by the master.
• This decouples the state machine and mode of the decoupled module from the higher-level
master: The machine module keeps the current state and the operating mode and the operating
mode. After the corresponding module is decoupled ("disabled"), the state machines of the
master and the decoupled module can be operated independently of each other.
• From the time of decoupling, the decoupled module is the master for the slave modules that are
subordinated to this module.
Renewed coupling of machine modules
In order to couple the module to the master again, the different states/operating modes of the state
machines of master and slave have to be adapted. In order to enquire the current state and the
operating mode of the master, the methods Status_MasterUnitModeCurrent and
Status_MasterUnitStateCurrent have to be used.
• The L_EATP_CtrlCmds_PackML command and the Command_UnitMode method adjust the
state machine and the operating mode of the decoupled module with the master module.
• After the master and slave module are in the same state and operating mode, the module can
be coupled using the Command_DisableModule method.
More information on the methods:
An overview of the status methods: Status_xxx
The Command_SendAlarmReactionIfDisabled method: Alarm reaction to the master
Decoupling a module with the Command_DisableModule method deactivates the standard
forwarding of the alarm reaction to the master module.
• In order to transmit the reaction type of a deactivated module to the master, the
Command_SendAlarmReactionIfDisabled method has to be used and the respective reaction
type has to be set to "TRUE".
Example: Parameter "xSendFault:=TRUE" to only forward the reaction type Fault to the master.
More information on the methods:
An overview of the command methods: Command_xxx
Influencing state transitions
The xStateBusy variable can prevent a changeover of a state transition.
Command_DisableModule(MM_Address:= L_EATP_CONST.OWNID, xValue:=TRUE);
xSendSystemFault :=FALSE,