7 state machine, 1 state transitions - overview, State machine – Lenze ApplicationTemplate PackML (PLC Designer R3-x) User Manual

Page 23: State transitions - overview, What is the applicationtemplate packml

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Lenze · ApplicationTemplate PackML · 1.0 EN - 05/2014


What is the ApplicationTemplate PackML?

Elements of the ApplicationTemplate PackML

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An overview of the methods

( 91)


State machine

Each machine module has an own state machine. The state machine of a mode can be created

individually: By deactivating single states in the entire state machine.
More information:

State machine in detail

( 65)

State transitions - overview

The following status diagram illustrates the possible state transitions of the state machine:


State machine in the ApplicationTemplate PackML

The current state of the state machine is highlighted in red.

• Active state in the illustration: "Idle"
• "Idle" corresponds to the "Waiting" state and is thus highlighted in yellow.

The colouring in the state machine distinguishes the following states:

Yellow: Waiting state
Green: Acting state
Blue: Dual state (can be "waiting" or "acting")

The "waiting" states "Stopped", "Aborted" and "Execute" cannot be deactivated.
Deactivating a state simultaneously switches off the respective (outbound) transitions. If it is the

"Wait" state, it also switches off its "Active" state.



Command_UnitMode (eUnitMode:=



Changes over a mode if this is permissible.



Checks if a changeover of the mode is permissible in the

current state.