5 web server/»webconfig, Web server/»webconfig, 7remote maintenance and diagnostics – Lenze Controller-based Automation User Manual
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Remote maintenance and diagnostics
Web server/»WebConfig«
Lenze · Controller-based Automation · System Manual · DMS 1.4 EN · 04/2014 · TD17
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Web server/»WebConfig«
The Lenze controllers are provided with an integrated web server. The web server makes it possible
to parameterise the controller via »WebConfig«.
• The controller parameters can be displayed/altered via web browser.
• In order to parameterise a controller in a web-based fashion, a remote connection (via Ethernet
by specifying the IP address) to the desired controller has to be established.
Further information relating to the function and configuration of the web server can be
found in the following documentation:
• Controller - Parameter setting & configuration
• HMI EL 100 with Windows® CE
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