EZWatch Pro 3.1 User Manual
Page 94
Step 4: Please click the “W eb File” button and fill out the inform ation in each
section of the “D em o.htm ” interface, then click the “G enerator” button to
complete the settings.
―D em o.h tm ‖ S etu p in terface section s descrip tion :
Connection Type: To S elect use “IP A ddress” connection or “ID C ode” (For
Dynamic IP address connection) connection.
DVR IP Address: If user selects “IP A ddress” connection type, please fill
the DVR IP address in this section.
ID Code: If user selects “ID C ode” connection type, please fill the ID code in
this section
Port number: Please type the port number for remote connection.
Please make sure the setting connection port is not used by PC program
commonly, or the connection may be collided with other PC application
Fig. 4-3.3 “Demo.htm” setting interface