EZWatch Multi View EZ Watch Pro 5.0 User Manual
EZWatch Video surveillance systems

GeoVision Technical Handbook 46
4.3 Multiview Setup
Configure this section on remote PC.
4.3.1 Install Multiview
Multiview can be obtained from one of the following locations:
Download from GV-DVR system remotely via Internet Explorer.
Install from GeoVision installation disk.
Download from
Download from GV-DVR System
1. Under Internet Explorer, type in DVR’s IP address
as found in section 4.2.2. (If connecting within the
same network, use LAN IP address as found in
2. Type in ID and Password of the DVR system
3. Click “Login”.
4. Install all ActiveX Control as prompted. (ActiveX
Control options will appear as an orange bar on
5. Click on orange bar as shown below, then select
“Install” or “Run Add-on”.
6. Refresh webpage. (Login may be required).
7. Select “Run” if prompted by Internet Explorer security warning.