EZWatch Pro 3.1 User Manual
Page 137
Note: On some systems, the DNS address will be the same as the default
gateway and it will only have one address.
Go to Internet Explorer and type in the following address:
ipconfig, then skip to step #6. This indicates that you have no local router
and that you are connected directly to the internet. You will not need to set
up port forwarding.
Step #2: How to manua lly configure a local IP address:
C lick “S tart, go to C ontrol Panel. C lick “N etw ork and Internet C onnections”
then “N etw ork C onnections”. N ow , right click on your “Local A rea
C onnection” and go to Properties. Then, left click once on “Internet Protocol
(TC P/IP)” so it’s highlighted and then below it click “Properties”. In the
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window, you will input all the IP
inform ation w e w rote dow n in S tep # 1. S o choose “U se the Follow ing IP
A ddress” and put in your IP inform ation. In the low er box, choose “U se the
follow ing D N S server addresses” and input your prim ary and secondary
DNS server addresses. Lastly, click “O k” at the bottom to save your settings.
Now check to make sure you can still access the Internet. If you can,
continue to Step #3, if not, you may need to double check your settings or
contact our Technical Support Department for further assistance.