3 cleaning and hours of use monitoring – Carbolite ABA 7/35B User Manual
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– 1.04
21.3 Cleaning and Hours of Use Monitoring
Soot can accumulate in the airway following the after-burner, giving rise to fire risk. There is a
plenum chamber with removable panels to give access to cleaning; see section 21.4. The user
is responsible for maintaining a clean plenum chamber, and also for regular cleaning of the
chimney and the external flue or ducting system.
There is an hours of use screen which can be used to set the cleaning interval, which is the
hours of use, after which a warning message will be displayed. The hours of use screen is
accessed via:
Home Screen
→ Main Menu → Hour of Use
Screen-view 21.3.1 shows the total elapsed test time and provides a button, at the top of the
screen, for resetting this value. To alter the cleaning interval, touch the white box and a number
pad will be displayed with an input range from 0 to 9999 hours. When the total test time
exceeds the cleaning interval the warning message will be displayed, as shown in Image
21.3.2. The message can be cleared by pressing OK and it will reappear every 10 minutes until
the total test time is reset. To disable this facility the cleaning interval may be set to zero.
21.3.1 Image: Hours of Use Screen