13 recipe library functions, 2 copy recipe – Carbolite ABA 7/35B User Manual
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– 1.04
13 Recipe Library Functions
The Recipe Library screen, ref. Screen-view 13.1.1, is accessed via:
Home Screen
→ Main Menu → View Recipe Library
If the list of recipes is empty then a new recipe will need to be created. Refer to section 14 on
creating a new recipe. When the list of recipes is greater than 10 a scroll bar will appear on the
right hand edge of the screen, see Screen-view 13.1.1. To perform any of the four operations:
copy, edit, delete or run, on a recipe, touch the recipe name. This will cause it to be highlighted
in dark blue, as shown for
‘~RCP1’ in Screen-view 13.1.1. Note; a recipe name preceded with
the tilde character
‘~’ is a calibration type recipe. Recipe type is determined at the point of
creation and cannot be changed later.
Screen-view: Recipe Library
13.2 Copy Recipe
To copy a recipe, first select it by touching on the name, then press the copy button and this will
cause the Alpha Pad to be displayed as shown in Screen-view 13.2.1. Type the new name and
‘Enter’ which will return the display to the Library. If a recipe name is chosen that already
exists a warning message pops up asking if the existing recipe should be overwritten. Press
‘Cancel’ to abort the copy operation or ‘OK’ to overwrite.