Carbolite ABA 7/35B User Manual
Page 41

– 1.04
Note; if a configuration type recipe is being copied, the name will automatically be preceded by
the tilde ‘~’ character when it is displayed in the Library list.
Screen-view: Copy Recipe Alpha Key Pad
13.3 Edit Recipe
To edit a recipe, first select it by touching on the name and then press the
‘Edit’ button. The
recipe editor will be displayed and populated with the values from the selected recipe. Refer to
section 14 for details on the recipe editor.
13.4 Delete Recipe
To delete a recipe, first select it by touching on the name and then press the
‘Delete’ button
shown in Screen-view: 13.1.1. A confirmation dialog box will be displayed. Press
‘OK’ to
continue deleting or
‘Cancel’ to stop the operation.
13.5 Run Recipe
To run a test with a recipe, first select it by touching on the name and then press the
button shown in Screen-view: 13.1.1. The controller will display the Home screen, populated
with the values from the selected recipe, ready for the operator to press the Run Test button to
start the test (refer to Section 7 for more information on running a test). Note: if a test has been
previously run, then it will be necessary to press
‘Clear Results’ before being able to press ‘Run
’ (refer to Table 7.2.2 for information on the button text).