Carbolite ABA 7/35B User Manual

Page 24

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– 1.04


Screen-view: In-test Display

During a test the controller will continuously update the values circled in green, shown
Screen-view: 7.4.2 . The values circled in red are updated every 30 seconds after the initial
delay time + constant weight time has elapsed. For example, if the initial delay time is set to 10
minutes in the recipe and constant weight time is set to 3 minutes, then the values will be
updated after 13 minutes and then every 30 seconds until the end of the test. These values
indicate the weight loss during previous ‘x’ minutes, where ‘x’ is the constant weight time. If the
recipe type is

‘calibration’, the calibration factor, circled in yellow, will be updated on test

completion and if the recipe type is

‘standard’ then the binder %, circled in blue, will be updated

on test completion. If a calibration recipe has been selected then its name will be preceded by
a tilde ‘~’ in the recipe name field. The recipe names use the same indicator in the recipe

The ‘Test Status’ field has the possible states shown in Table: 7.4.3


Table: Test Status

Test Status Text


In Progress (delay)

Test running during initial delay time

In Progress

Test running after initial delay time


Test completed normally


Test cancelled by operator