Installing counterbalance valve, Installing counterbalance valve -23 – JLG 460SJ ANSI Service Manual User Manual
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– JLG Lift –
15. Install the O-ring (204) and back-up ring (207) into
the inner seal groove on the end cap (4).
16. Thread the end cap (4) onto the shaft (2) end. Make
sure the wear guide stays in place on the end cap as
it is threaded into the housing (1).
17. Tighten the end cap (4). In most cases the original
holes for the lock pins will line up.
18. Place the lock pins (109) provided in the Helac seal
kit in the holes with the dimple side up. Then, using
a punch, tap the lock pins to the bottom of the hole.
19. Insert the set screws (113) over the lock pins.
Tighten them to 25 in. lbs. (2.825 Nm).
Installing Counterbalance Valve
Refer to Figure 4-12., Rotator Counterbalance Valve.
1. Make sure the surface of the actuator is clean, free
of any contamination and foreign debris including
old Loctite.
2. Make sure the new valve has the O-rings in the
counterbores of the valve to seal it to the actuator
3. The bolts that come with the valve are grade 8 bolts.
New bolts should be installed with a new valve. Loc-
tite #242 should be applied to the shank of the three
bolts at the time of installation.
4. Torque the 1/4-inch bolts 110 to 120 inch pounds
(12.4 to 13.5 Nm). Do not torque over 125 inch
pounds (14.1 Nm). Torque the 5/16-inch bolts 140
inch pounds (15.8 Nm). Do not torque over 145 inch
pounds (16.3 Nm).