Apple Power Macintosh 4400 User Manual

Page 200

background image

Restore All Software program 104–105
Restore System Software program



information on hard disk 61
system software 101–106

Return key 186
right angle-bracket prompt (>) on

screen 127


“sad Macintosh” icon 116
safety precautions 174. See also health-

related information

electromagnetic emissions 173
general precautions 174
grounding plug 4
handling computer equipment


when to turn off the computer and pull

the plug 174

screen. See also monitor

basic elements on 19
cleaning 180
dark 114
frozen 22, 109, 111, 122
glare and reflection on 5, 172, 173
height and distance of 172
identifying objects on 34

scroll arrows on windows 20
SCSI devices

connecting 48–53
ID numbers for 117, 127
troubleshooting 115, 117, 127

SCSI icon 48
SCSI ID numbers 48, 49
SCSI peripheral interface cable 50
SCSI port 38, 39, 48, 117
SCSI system cable 50
SCSI terminators 51, 52
servers, network configuration and 95

service. See Apple-authorized

service provider

setting up computer equipment 1–23
Sharing Setup control panel 72
Shift key 186
shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts
Shortcuts command (Guide menu) 35–36
Show All command (Application

menu) 59

Show Balloons command (Guide

menu) 34

Shut Down command (Special menu)


shutting down the computer 21–22, 112
SimpleText program 71
size box on windows 20
sleep mode 21, 114
software. See application programs;

system software

sound, adjusting 43–44
sound input port 39, 41, 42, 44
sound output port 39, 41, 42, 47
speaker icon 41

connecting external speakers 47–48
location of 38

special characters and symbols 187–188
special keys 185–189
Special menu

Eject Disk command 127
Empty Trash command 20
Restart command 111
Shut Down command 21–22


on CD-ROM drive 178
on computer equipment 175
on keyboard 175, 176

starting up. See also turning on computer

from CD-ROM disc 118–119,

136–137, 189

from floppy disk 107
ignoring selected startup device 189
from Macintosh Restore CD disc

99–101, 136–137



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Guide’s onscreen index.

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menu and choose

Macintosh Guide

(or Mac OS Guide);

then click the

Index button.