Starting up the iie startup program – Apple IIe Card User Manual

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You must start up the IIe Startup program before you can run Apple IIe
programs on the Macintosh LC.

To start up the IIe Startup program, follow these steps:

Before you begin: Turn on your Macintosh LC. If your Macintosh is
already on, return to the Finder (either by quitting any programs you
might be running or by choosing Finder from the Application menu
or the Apple menu).

1. Determine whether you are a

floppy disk startup person

or a

hard disk startup person.

How you set up the software in Chapter 2 determines whether you’re
a floppy disk or a hard disk startup person. You may have recorded
which you are on the Quick Reference card in the back of the manual.

If you can’t remember, here’s how to tell:

If you do

not have a hard disk you are a floppy disk startup


If you have a hard disk, open the System Folder by double-clicking
it. If the System Folder contains a file called “ProDOS File System,”
you are a hard disk startup person. Otherwise, you are a floppy
disk startup person. The file may be inside the Extensions Folder
within the System Folder.

2. If you are a floppy disk startup person, start up your

Macintosh LC from the

IIe Startup Disk.

To start up from the disk, follow these steps: (a) choose Shut Down
from the Special menu, but don’t turn the power off; (b) insert the
IIe Startup Disk; (c) use the mouse to click the Restart button.

Starting up the

IIe Startup program

Chapter 5: Reference