Apple IIe Card User Manual

Page 191

background image


crosshair 87
mouse tracking rate and 98

ports, on Macintosh LC computer

modem 103
printer 103

preferences file.

See IIe Prefs file


choosing in the Chooser 78–80
serial 64
setting up software for 32–34, 156–160

Printer Card 64

adjustments to 68
AppleShare Workstation Card vs. 80
configuring 106–107

Printer Card icon, in Option Panel 66, 107
printer icons, in Macintosh Chooser 79
printer port, on Macintosh LC computer 103
Printer Port icon, in Option Panel 66, 104
printer software, installing 156–160
printer timeout, setting 106–107
Print IIe Screen command (File menu) 127

from Apple IIe programs 78–80
Apple IIe screen snapshots 127–128
configuring for 103–107

installing software for 32–34, 156–160

problems with 80, 144


See troubleshooting

processing speed.

See performance

ProDOS disks

formatting 129–130
problems with 133

ProDOS File System 29, 37

role of 155
SmartPort devices and 112–114

PRODOS icon 29, 155
ProDOS names, legal 9

See Apple IIe programs; icons; IIe Startup



Quit IIe button, in Option Panel 40, 122, 123


radio interference ix
“Read Me” icon 26
rebuilding the system 11
repeat delay rate, setting for keyboard 92–93
repeat rate, setting for keyboard 90–91
Reset key 45, 120
Restart IIe button, in Option Panel 67, 121
restarting the Apple IIe Card 44–45, 120–121
restoring hard disk contents 10–11
running Apple IIe programs 41–45, 75–77

in the Apple IIe environment 44–45, 76–77
from a hard disk 148
in the Macintosh environment 41–43, 75–76
problems with 139–141

Speed setting and 86

starting from a floppy disk 36–37

running Macintosh programs, problems with 145
running IIe Startup program 70–73

problems with 72, 134–135


Save IIe Screen command (File menu) 126
screen display

Apple IIe screen snapshots

copying 128
displaying 128
printing 127–128
saving 126

color vs. monochrome 95
flashing text on 96
problems with 78, 141

screen saver problems 78
Serial Card icons, in Option Panel 48, 104

Modem Port 66, 104
Printer Port 66, 104
