Changing the character set – Apple IIe Card User Manual

Page 112

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Apple IIe programs normally display text with a light character set on a
dark background. You can change this to dark text on a light background
by choosing the inverse character set.

To change the character set, follow these steps:

1. Press Control-


The Option Panel appears, with the General Controls panel displayed.
The pointer changes to a crosshair when you place it in the General
Controls panel.

2. Click the button for the character set you want.

After you close the Option Panel, your choice remains in effect until you
change the setting again.

By the way: Regardless of which character set you choose, flashing
text appears as black characters on a red background on a color
monitor, or dark characters on a light background on a monochrome

Changing the character set

Chapter 5: Reference


Choose a
set here.