Apple IIe Card User Manual
Page 189
locking floppy disks 2
locking IIe Prefs file 116–117
Macintosh Chooser, selecting printer in 78–80
Macintosh desktop, moving back to 40–41, 122–123
Macintosh environment
filenames in 56
formatting ProDOS floppy disks in 129–130
Memory Expansion Card size and 134
running Apple IIe programs in 41–43, 75–76
screen saver problems 78
switching from and to 38–41
turning off file sharing in 135
turning off 32-bit addressing in 135
using Apple IIe files in 81–82
Macintosh General Controls panel, beep sound and
90, 140
Macintosh LC computer.
See also Macintosh environment
connecting Apple IIe devices to 12–23
ejecting disks on 114, 115
setting up for Apple IIe files 4–11
Macintosh LC logic board, jumper cable for 117
Macintosh Mouse control panel, mouse tracking rate and
Macintosh programs
copying Apple IIe pictures to 83
problems with 145
switching to, from Apple IIe Card 124
using Apple IIe files with 81–83
Macintosh Sound control panel, beep sound and 90, 140
memory capacity, increasing 100–102
problems with 134
Memory Card.
See also Memory Expansion Card
adjustments to 68
moving 64
Memory Card icon, in Option Panel 48, 66, 101
Memory Expansion Card
configuring 100–102
problems with 101, 134
Memory Expansion Card panel, in Option Panel 100–102
menu bar access, in Option Panel 49
See troubleshooting
connecting 64–65, 103–106
problems with 106, 143
slot configuration for 64–65
using at over 1200 baud 106
modem port, on Macintosh LC computer 103
Modem Port icon, in Option Panel 66, 104
monitor, problems with 141.
See also color monitor;
monochrome monitor; screen display
Monitor Card, adjustments to 68
Monitor Card icon, in Option Panel 66
monochrome monitor
changing setting for 95
flashing text on 96
problems with 141
Monochrome setting, in Option Panel 95
mouse, problems with 141
Mouse Card icon, in Option Panel 49–50, 66, 99
Mouse Card options 49–50, 68
Mouse Card panel, in Option Panel 99
mouse tracking, defined 98
mouse tracking rate, changing 50, 98–99
moving cards in Option Panel 51–53, 108–109
naming Apple IIe files 56
naming the Apple IIe partition 8–9
See also file servers
installing printer for 80, 33–34
limiting Option Panel access on 116–117
Normal Text setting, in Option Panel 96
notation conventions xv