Apple IIe Card User Manual

Page 23

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3. Start up the Macintosh.

Click the Restart button if your Macintosh is already on; otherwise,
turn on the power.

If you see a message telling you that the version of system software
isn’t compatible with your computer, start this procedure again with
step 1, but use the

Disk Tools disk that came with your computer

instead of the

IIe Installer Disk.

4. If necessary, open the disk icon by double-clicking it.

The disk’s window appears.

5. Double-click the Apple HD SC Setup icon.

The Setup program opens, as shown in the next step.

6. If you have more than one hard disk, click the Drive button

to select the one that you want to partition.



Chapter 1: Preparing the Equipment


Click the Drive
button . . .

Double-click here.

. . . until the name
of the hard disk
you want appears