Connecting apple iie disk drives, Connecting the apple 5.25 drive – Apple IIe Card User Manual

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You need to read this section only if you have an Apple IIe floppy disk
drive to connect to your Macintosh LC. If you have nothing else to
connect to the Macintosh, you can go immediately to Chapter 2,
“Preparing the Software.” If you have devices other than floppy disk
drives to connect, you can skip ahead to the appropriate section in
this chapter.

You can use two types of Apple IIe floppy disk drives with the
Macintosh LC—the

gray Apple 5.25 Drive and the white UniDisk

3.5 Drive. Earlier Apple II disk drives—the Disk II, UniDisk 5.25, and
DuoDisk drives, for instance—

cannot be used with the Macintosh LC.

Warning: Only two types of Apple II disk drives—the

gray Apple

5.25 Drive and the

white UniDisk 3.5 Drive—are compatible with the

Macintosh LC. Do not try to use any other type of Apple II disk drive with
the Macintosh LC. Doing so may damage the disk drive or the computer,
and may destroy the contents of your Apple II disks.

Follow these steps to connect an Apple 5.25 Drive to the Macintosh LC:

Warning: Before connecting anything to your computer, make sure the
power cord is plugged

in and the power is turned off. The power cord

acts as a ground for your computer, protecting you from electrical shock,
even when the computer is turned off.

Connecting the

Apple 5.25 Drive


Apple IIe disk drives

Chapter 1: Preparing the Equipment