Choosing a startup beep sound – Apple IIe Card User Manual

Page 105

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Your computer beeps when you start up the Apple IIe Card. Also,
many programs are designed to play a sound when an alert message
is displayed, or when you give a command that the computer
cannot recognize.

You can choose one of several options for the beep sound. You can
choose the same beep sound you hear on an Apple IIe computer, the
standard Macintosh beep, or any other sound that appears in the Startup
Beep Sound box. To avoid annoying delays, it’s a good idea to choose a
short sound. The Apple IIe Option Panel is preset to use the standard
Apple IIe beep.

To choose a startup beep sound, follow these steps:

1. Press Control-


The Option Panel appears, with the General Controls panel displayed.
The pointer changes to a crosshair when you place it in the General
Controls panel.

If you are a floppy disk startup person, you have only two beeps to
choose from.



Choosing a

startup beep sound

Chapter 5: Reference


Choose a startup

beep sound here.