Changing the slot settings – Apple IIe Card User Manual
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The Slot Configuration panel is where you indicate the location of
Apple IIe cards. These are not real cards installed in the Macintosh LC.
They are software representations of cards that are commonly installed
in Apple IIe computers. The settings you make in this panel provide the
information necessary for most Apple IIe programs to run correctly on
the Macintosh LC.
The slot settings are preset to the most common slot configurations
recommended in Apple II documentation. Some cards can only be
installed in a specific slot. For instance, the SmartPort Card is always in
slot 5; the 5.25-inch disk drive controller card is always in slot 6. If you try
to move such a card to a slot where it does not belong, the program will
alert you with a dialog box.
Where should the cards go? See Chapter 4, “Setting Up Cards and
Slots,” for a discussion of how to decide which cards should go in
which slots.
When you change a slot setting in the Slot Configuration panel, the icon
representing the card you moved appears dimmed. This indicates that
the new setting is inactive until you click the Restart IIe button.
To change a slot setting, follow these steps:
1. Press Control-
The Option Panel appears, with the General Controls panel displayed.
2. Scroll if necessary to locate the Slots icon, then click it to
display the Slot Configuration panel.
The Slot Configuration panel appears. The pointer changes to a
crosshair when you place it in the panel.
Changing the slot settings
Chapter 5: Reference