About the apple iie card – Apple IIe Card User Manual

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The Apple IIe Card is an

accessory card that lets you run Apple IIe

programs on a Macintosh LC computer. Once you’ve set a few options
in the card’s Option Panel, turning the Macintosh into an Apple IIe is
as simple as double-clicking an icon on the Macintosh desktop.

While your Macintosh LC is in the Apple IIe

environment, it performs

just like an Apple IIe computer. You start up Apple IIe programs, work
with Apple IIe files, use Apple II system utilities—just as you do on an
Apple IIe. And what you see on the Macintosh monitor is exactly what
you’d see on an Apple IIe monitor.

And you can return to the Macintosh desktop by clicking a button.


About the

Apple IIe Card

Preface: Before You Start
