Apple IIe Card User Manual

Page 193

background image

troubleshooting 131–145

Apple IIe partition 11, 132, 133
Apple IIe programs

running 139–141
running by double-clicking 43
starting 136–138

beep sound 90, 140
card not installed 68
disk drive compatibility 12
disks, Apple IIe

ejecting 145
recognizing 37, 133

files, copying 145
file server 132
finding Apple IIe files in Macintosh programs 82
keyboard 94, 140
Memory Expansion Card, 101, 134

“File couldn’t be written and was skipped” 145

modem 106, 143
mouse 141
Option Panel 134, 142–144
printing 80, 144
processing speed 86, 140–141
screen display 141
screen saver problems 78
Serial Card not installed 104
sound volume 140
system crashes 11
system software incompatibility 7
IIe Prefs file, creating 135
IIe Startup 72, 134–135

IIe files.

See Apple IIe files; IIe Prefs file

IIe Installer Disk 27

checking Read Me file on 26
installing Apple IIe Card software with 27–30
locking 2
partitioning hard drive with 6–9

IIe Prefs file 53, 73

hiding 117
limiting Option Panel access with 116–117
problems creating 135
role of 155
using more than one 74–75

IIe Prefs icon 53, 73, 155
IIe programs.

See Apple IIe programs

IIe Startup Disk 31

copying 31
installing printer software for 32–34, 156–160
locking 2
problems with 135
starting up from 36–37, 70–71

IIe Startup icon 29, 39, 155

restarting Apple IIe card with 44

IIe Startup program

problems with 72, 134–135
role of 155
starting up 70–73

Type Ahead setting, in Option Panel 94

problems with 94, 140


UniDisk 3.5 Drive

configuring for startup 110–112

SmartPort settings 112–114

connecting 15–16
daisy-chaining 17–19
ejecting disks from 114–115

problems with 145

startup problems 137

unlocking floppy disks 2
user groups xvi


volume control, problems with 140
