Lenovo ThinkVantage ImageUltra Builder Version 5.0 User Manual

Page 219

background image

map (continued)

base 22
tree structure 21

map construction 77
map properties 22
Map Settings window 66
map windows

attributes 66
components area 66
contents 66
using 66

map, installation menus 20, 21

searching for 65

maps and modules

exporting 61
import 62

maps, driver 23
menu item

properties 71

Menu Item Properties window 71
menu items, using MTMs 106
menus 20, 21
Microsoft Plug-n-Play 160
Microsoft Sysprep 48
Microsoft Sysprep tool 4, 7
Microsoft WHQL device drivers 49
mini-setup 7
minimizing installation time 6
minimum requirements for

installation 47

modifying attributes

determining status 74
icon identification 74
promoting, maps 74
promoting, modules 74
properties identification 74

modifying base and driver maps 20
modifying base maps 117
modifying module attributes 74

attributes 73
customized behavior 105

module categories 11
module repository

changing 61
defining 60
opening 61

module window 73
module, creating an operating system 17
module, definition 11

installation order 169
searching for 65
setting the installation order 170

modules, application 12
modules, combining 11
modules, device-driver 13
modules, importing 14
modules, operating system


add-on 11


network deployment 27
network deployment with local

installation, defining 23

network-staging folder 2
network-staging folder, description and

purpose 35, 178

network-sync function, enabling 25
network-sync function, setting 75
network-sync setting, change 94
new base map 77
new features viii
New Map Wizard 22, 23, 106

accessing 77
functions 77

New Module Wizard 18, 19
New Repository Wizard,

considerations 49


operating system window 73
operating system, add-on 11
operating-system module, Vista base,

Windows 7 base 177

operating-system modules 11

base maps 22

overview of the image process 11


partitioning module

preparing source files 158
types provided with ImageUltra

Builder 96

use in an Ultra-Portable Image 137
using in a base map 96

partitioning module, use of 19
partitioning modules 12
partitions, creating 19
partitions, deleting 19
PL and BAT files 189
pointing to an INF file that exists in a

source file subdirectory 187

portability, definition of 2
Portable-Sysprep image

portability 8

Portable-Sysprep Image 7, 80, 106

anatomy of 7
creating and preparing the image

files 144

definition 7
deployed 7
initial setup time 8
making the ImageUltra Customization

Program accessible 144

setting attributes for the new base

operating-system module 146

Portable-SysPrep Image 18
Portable-Sysprep Images 4
PowerQuest DeployCenter 144
predefine default settings 93
predefine default user settings 5, 8
Predesktop Area 39


adding mini-applications 152
after files are prepared 152
for a silent install 151
making files accessible to the

ImageUltra console 152

setting attributes for a new add-on

operating-system module 156

setting attributes for a new

application module 153

source device-driver files 160
source files for application modules

and add-on operating-system
modules 151

source filter files 165

preparing a device driver module that

works as an INF installable, and as an
application executable 188

preparing source files 137
prerequisites for installation and use 48
previewing base maps 106
Primary DOS Partition partitioning

module 19

problems, debugging 193
Product Recovery CD 15
promote maps and modules 75

menu item 71

properties, map 22
providing hardware detection for

applications 186


recovery files 3
recovery impacts, HPA 39
reducing diagnostic time 7
replacing modules, base maps 120
replacing modules, driver maps 132

archive 61
deleting entries 64
manipulating entries 64
search 65
upgrading from a previous version of

the ImageUltra Builder 60

working with 60

repository file extensions 13
repository window 62

building the module 64
components area 63
contents of 63
creating an object module entry 64
purpose of 62

repository, backing up 49
Rescue and Recovery with ImageUltra

Builder, considerations 180

running the ImageUltra Customization

Program 18


search, repository 65
service partition 2

controlling behavior of 95
