Pneumatic high-speed pressure controller cpc3000 – WIKA CPC3000 User Manual

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Pneumatic High-Speed Pressure Controller CPC3000

WIKA Operating Instruction Pneumatic High-Speed Pressure Controller ∙ Version 1.1


11498171.01 08/2009 GB




_psc4 filtersetting

Sets the filter %.

_pcs4 filtersetting?

Returns the filter %.

_pcs4 filterwindow

Sets the filter window.

_pcs4 filterwindow?

Returns the filter window.

_pcs4 func ctrl

Instrument placed in control mode
at pressure in

_pcs4 func emul

Toggles ptype emulation mode.

_pcs4 func F1

Toggles ptype emulation mode.

_pcs4 func meas

Instrument placed in measure

_pcs4 func stby

Instrument placed in standby mode
in units.

_pcs4 func vent

Instrument placed in vent mode in

_pcs4 id?

Returns instrument ID.

_pcs4 lang PCS2

Sets command set to PCS 200.

_pcs4 list?

Returns range list.

_pcs4 opt?

Returns option list (old PCS 400

_pcs4 option?

Returns option list.

_pcs4 outform

Sets output format.

_pcs4 outform?

Returns the current output format.

_pcs4 peakreset

Resets peak readings.

_pcs4 peakunit

Selects Peak+ or Peak-.

_pcs4 peakunit?

Returns Peak+ or Peak-.

_pcs4 rangemax?

Returns the maximum pressure of
the active transducer.

_pcs4 rangemin?

Returns the minimum pressure of
the active transducer.

_pcs4 rate

Sets the control rate.

_pcs4 rate?

Returns the pressure rate.

_pcs4 rateunit

Selects the rate units (SEC or MIN).

_pcs4 rateunit?

Returns the rate units.

_pcs4 reading?

Returns the current pressure.

_pcs4 sourcep?

Returns the supply pressure.

_pcs4 span?

Returns the stored multiplication
factor from the active transducer &

_pcs4 stabledelay

1 to 255

Sets the number of consecutive
readings that the pressure must
remain within the stable window for
a pressure stable indication.