Command-line operation, Batch file, Action type – NOVUS V1.5x A User Manual

Page 69: Connection mode

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FieldLogger Configurator has a new capability. It can now be called with “command-line” parameters, which means it
can be used to download and export data by other applications.

It is advisable to create a batch file (.bat) to help organize the desired parameters. Once this batch file is done, it can be
called (executed) from any other software in order to run the desired tasks, which include:

Download data from the device.

Get data from a folder where data has already been downloaded to.

Export downloaded data to a file.

Export data from the FieldLogger data base to a file.

Create a report with logged data.

Some parameters are sent in the command-line, others are read by the INI files of the Configurator. So, it is important
that you perform the desired action with the Configurator at least once before trying to make it by the command-line. It
assures you that the method you are about to use actually works, and it saves the needed parameters in the INI file as
well, so they can be used later.

Parameters order is important! Do not try to use them in any order but the one shown here.

Parameters examples are shown inside quotation marks (“), but there must be no quotation marks in the real file.


The batch file is exactly the same of those ancient DOS batch files. Its name must have no more than 8 characters, a dot
(.) and 3 more for its extension (“bat”).

In the file, we separate the parameters in four parts:

1. PART1 – Action type

2. PART2 – Connection mode

3. PART3 – Action parameters

4. PART4 – Export parameters

All parameters are separated by semicolons.


The following actions are allowed:

“1” to download and export data.

“2” to export data from the data base.

“3” to download data without exporting it.


The connection mode can be:

“1” to connect by Ethernet/Modbus TCP. In this case, it will read the port and reconnection time from the
Configurator “INI” file, which means that it should have been done before in the Configurator “normal” operation.
This option requires the IP address as an additional parameter. From software version 1.30 on, there must be
also included port number and time out in miliseconds. From software version 1.40 on, FieldLogger Modbus
address (typically 255) has to be included as well. Example: “1;;502;3000;255;”

“2” to connect by the USB cable. This option requires the COM port as an additional parameter. Example: “2;3;”

“3” to connect by the RS485/Modbus RTU interface. In this case, it will read the baud rate, parity, stop bits and
timeout from the Configurator “INI” file, which means that it should have been done before in the Configurator
“normal” operation. This option requires the COM port and the Modbus address as additional parameters.
Example: “3;2;7;”

“4” to get data from a folder. This option should be used when data was already downloaded from the
FieldLogger through a USB flash drive, FTP or when reading directly from the device SD card (plugged in your
computer). This option requires the folder path as an additional parameter (the folder with the device serial
number must be included). Important: there must be no blank spaces in the path! Example: “4;E:\11097831;”

When the chosen Action is “2” (export only, no download), the parameter “NULL” must be used to indicate that no
connection is needed. Example: “NULL;”