Analog channels configuration – NOVUS V1.5x A User Manual

Page 35

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On the next screen, you must configure the analog channels to be used. Each channel is individually configured, so you
should first select which channel to be configured in the list on the left.

After the channel has been selected, you must configure its parameters on the right. For each channel, you must
configure a tag (name with a maximum of 16 characters) and an input type. Depending on the selected input type, the
indication limits must also be configured. For temperature sensors, you must choose whether the indication will be in
Celsius or Fahrenheit, for the others, you can type a string for the unit (maximum of 10 characters).

There is also the option to enter an error value to be displayed when an error is detected on the input signal, such as an
open 4-20 ma loop or a Pt100 with a broken cable. There is also the possibility to configure a digital filter for the input
channel (the higher the value is, more filtered is the indication of the channel, making the response more immune to
noises on the input signal, but also slower to respond to variations - maximum filter value is 20).

There is the option of using the Custom Calibration. This feature allows up to 10 pairs of points to be inserted in a
“correction table” (per analog input) in the device, creating segments for adjustments to the indicated value. Further
details in the "FieldLogger Operation” chapter.

The number of decimal places to be displayed must also be configured. This parameter refers to the following cases
described below:

• Reading the value of the channel via Modbus 16 bits registers (INT16 with signal). Further details in the document

"FieldLogger – Modbus”.

• Reading the value of the channel via HMI.
• Reading the value of the channel through the HTML page generated by FieldLogger itself (HTTP service on the

Ethernet interface).

• Reading the value of the channel through the OID reading of SNMP protocol (SNMP service of Ethernet


• Reading the alarm value related to the channel when receiving e-mails from the FieldLogger (SMTP service on

the Ethernet interface).

Analog Channels - Configuration of a temperature channel