High Country Tek DVC80 User Manual
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P/N: 021-00154, Rev. A.6 - updated for V4.7 Tools
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DVC5/7/10 Firmware Setup
With the Program Loader Monitor running and connected to the DVC5/7/10 navigate to the Factory Information
screen and select the following options then select “Send Changes”.
CAN Baud Rate = 250K baud
CAN Bus Type = J1939 Only
DVC J1939 Operation
At this point load the application into the DVC5/7/10 in the normal manner. The DVC will communicate directly
on the J1939 CAN Bus. All of the J1939 messages will be seen by the DVC controller but only those defined as
messages of interest to your application will be processed. J1939 CAN Bus messages may be viewed by
selecting the J1939/DVC80 status icon from the Program Loader Monitor main screen.
DVC80 J1939 Expansion Module
The DVC80 (J1939 Bridge) is a unique CAN Bus gateway/bridge
device. This module was built to serve as a data link between the
DVC CAN Bus and J1939 CAN Bus systems. It uses the DVC
CAN Bus Device Net protocol and SAE J1939 standard protocol to
receive, filter, and retransmit messages. The data gathered by
these messages can then be incorporated into the DVC Bubble
logic code.
The DVC80 layout screen is similar to that of the DVC61. New
DVC80 J1939 messages are added by clicking the right mouse
button on the screen and select "Add Message". The DVC80 may
contain up to 15 messages. The messages include both messages
to be sent at regular intervals to the engine and messages to be
received from the engine.
J1939 Message Set-up
The Programming tool has no pre-defined J1939 Messages. The
user is required to enter the data correctly from the J1939
Specification book. The user should not define multiple messages
with the same PGN numbers. The PGN number is the combination
of the PDU format byte and PDU Specific byte.
Command Name
The name prefix used in the bubble logic screen to access this message’s data
and status.
Range: 16 Alpha/Numeric characters only with no spaces.
The Control field specifies if the message will sent to or received from the engine’s
Range: Receive Data or Send Data